Software to download

I recently bought myself a new computer for the office, which meant that I had to download and install all of the key software I used for work. I decided to write down what these were so future me (or future employees) could have it as a reference. All of the following links / commands are for use with a mac.

Everyone should install these:

Google Chrome

Google Drive & Sync or Google Drive File Stream

Microsoft Office


R (requisite for R Studio)

R Studio 
packages worth installing: tidyverse, shiny, ggrepel

XQuartz (requisite for Inkscape on older macs)




Sublime Text 3

FlowJo (v10)

Optional (but useful):

Box Sync Installer

Dropbox desktop app


A plasmid Editor (ApE)

Snapgene Viewer


Sim Daltonism


The Unarchiver

4 Peaks


GitHub Desktop

Zoom Desktop

Skype Desktop

OBS (Open Broadcast Software)

Spyder (Pymol IDE)

Forticlient VPN


Useful installations from the command line


First go to the Samtools directory

$ ./configure

$ make

$ make install

$ export PATH=bin:$PATH


$ xcode-select –install

$ ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL”

$ brew doctor


$ brew install gifski


$ brew install ffmpeg


$ conda install -c conda-forge pypdf2

A note about editing your .bash_profile

Packages to install in RStudio

You can install these as you need them, but some of these packages are so useful you may as well do it up front when setting up your computer.


Adding printers in WRB 5th floor

Note: You will not be able to set up the printer when on the “CaseGuest” wireless network. The printer can be setup while on the “CaseWireless” wireless network, though it may be hard to access it from the lab-space. In that case, a direct link to the ethernet is probably the best way to go. When connected to the land-line, you may first encounter an error saying the identity of any websites you go to cannot be confirmed. This may be because you are on a new computer, in which case you have to first register your computer with CWRU IT by typing in “” into a browser.

The most convenient printer is the black-and-white one near my office. To add this printer on a mac: 1) Go to Systems Preferences (such as through the apple icon op) 2) Go to Printers and Scanners 3) Press the “+” sign to add a printer 4) Type in the IP address “”. 5) The protocol should be “Line Printer Daemon – LPD” 5) You can rename it to something like “Nearby Black and White” to make it easier to remember. 6) It’s fine to leave Use as “Generic PostScript Printer” 7) Click on Duplex Printing (Since it’s useful). Voila!

5/31/22 edit: On my newest Mac, the process was somewhat different. Here, after going to “System Preferences” > “Printers & Scanners”, go to the second “IP” tab with the globe on it, add in the “” to the address field, set the protocol to “Line Printer Daemon – LPD” with all other settings kept the default except for the location (I write something like “WRB 5-east mailroom”). Note: I click on the option of duplex printing, which allows you to print on the front and back sides.

6/13/23 edit: If, for some reason, the printer on our side of the floor is down, you can always use the printer on the other side of the floor. Same instructions as above, except the IP address is “”.