CWRU financial docs

Gotta say; one of the hardest things to deal with in this job are all of the minutiae that come along with the administrative aspects. The topic of today’s post is me keeping notes of my observations with the CWRU financial docs, since 1) I’m just going to forget them otherwise, and 2) it may help other new PIs here.

Salary & Fringe costs terminology: In the summary section for each grant / speedtype / account, personnel costs are summarized. While people’s names are shown in the itemized costs part, the summary section uses vaguer / more confusing language. Here’s the translation:
1. “Faculty Control” <- PI
2. “Academic Support Staff Control” <- Grad students
3. “Research Personnel Control” <- Postdocs
4. “Student Control” <- Not sure yet, since grad students apparently don’t go here?
5. “Non-Academic Professional Control” <- Research Assistant (RA1 and RA2 for me)

Additional personnel costs:
1. Fringe Benefits: Only applies to the faculty (eg. PI) and staff (eg. RAs). As of July 2022, it is 30% for grant accounts, but 34% from startup. Had no clue that difference existed. (2024 update; now the rates are 28% and 34%, respectively)
2. Postdoc insurance: Shows up under “Insurance Control”, and appears to be 12.22% of salary as of July 2022.
3. Apparently there are no additional costs for grad students, as far as I can tell.

Encumbrances: Things that have been charged / ordered, but haven’t been fulfilled yet. My lab has a bunch of backordered items on here.

Core service costs:
We routinely use 1) The CWRU flow cytometry core, and 2) The CWRU genomics core. The charges from them are listed as COR####### numbers billing to Journal numbers, both of which change every month, so there’s no static identifier that can be used to distinguish which is which.

Spent and unspent funds: Probably the clearest place to find these values will be the “contr_summ_by_pi” document. Importantly, the “budget”, “TTD expense”, and “balance” columns have values which are the combination of both direct and indirect cost values. But, as a PI trying to run the lab, I think more in terms of direct costs; both for my personnel salaries and lab purchases, but also for the yearly grant budget. Thus, to convert the “direct+indirect cost” values in the pdf into useful values for lab budgeting, you’ll want to multiply the “direct+indirect” number by 0.625 to get the “direct only” value (at least as of 8/11/2022, when the indirect cost rate here is 61%).