Open Research Assistant Position

Our lab space issues were recently resolved, so I’m now able to spend some of my remaining start-up funds to hire more personnel. I also have a bunch of starts to various research directions, and nobody aside from me to push parts of them forward in various aspects (eg. tissue culture, data analysis, experimental planning). I’m curious to see if I can find a relatively recent college graduate that is interested in pursuing a PhD program, but wants to take a year or two beforehand to gain more hands-on research experience. Well, if so, here’s an open position on the CWRU hiring website that can be applied to (if you’re like me and already a CWRU employee, you may need to open that link in an incognito window since existing cookies can get in the way otherwise).

6/3/24 update: We were able to hire someone for the position! Update to the personnel page of the lab website when they start in August.