In this previous post, I showed how many reads we’ve gotten from our Plasmidsaurus and AMP-EZ submissions. Well, now’s also time to see whether the amount of DNA that we gave correlated with the number of reads we got back.

As you can see above, since this is miniprepped DNA, it’s usually quite easy to reach the 300 ng needed for submission. One time, when we submitted closer to 200ng, it worked perfectly fine. One other time, when we submitted ~ 100ng, it did not, albeit this was not plasmid DNA and instead was a PCR product, so it’s an outlier for that reason as well.

This is the more important graph though, since all of our AMP-EZ submissions are from gel extracted PCR amplifications, and it can be quite difficult to do it in such a way that we have the 500 ng of total qubitted DNA available for submission. Well, turns out that it’s probably not all that important for us to hit 500 ng of DNA, since it’s worked perfectly fine in our attempts between 200 and 500 ng. I imagine people in my lab will simultaneously be happy (knowing they don’t have to hit 500 ng) and sad (knowing they had spent a bunch of extra effort in the past unnecessarily trying to reach that number) seeing the above data, but hey, it’s good to finally know this and better late than never!